The Alliance For A Clean Environment |
Update – August, 2003 AROUND POTTSTOWN LANDFILL Pottstown, West Pottsgrove, Lower Pottsgrove, Upper Pottsgove, North Coventry, Douglass Berks Township
Rates of the Major Types of Cancer in Children Around The Pottstown Landfill Compared With U.S. Rate 1990-1999
(Source: PA Cancer Registry) Note: Rates calculated using 1990-99 annual Greater Pottstown population 0-19 of 14,120. For example, leukemia rate = 13 cases/10 years/14,120 x 100,000 = 9.21. Joseph Mangano, MPH, MBA Radiation and Public Health Project New York, NY June 25, 2003 Ø Rates are MUCH HIGHER for FOUR of the CANCERS most common in children. Ø Rates are SIGNIFICANTLY HIGHER for ALL CANCERS and LEUKEMIA. Ø Rates are BORDERLINE SIGNIFICANT for KIDNEY/RENAL PELVIS. Ø Leukemia and Brain/Central Nervous System Cancers Comprise HALF of Childhood Cancers Around The Pottstown Landfill Childhood Cancer Rates Around The Pottstown Landfill INCREASING:
In five municipalities and the Borough of Pottstown (the area around the Pottstown Landfill), childhood cancer rates have rapidly increased since the late 1980’s, according to PA Cancer Registry data. Waste Management bought the Pottstown Landfill in 1984, bringing massive amounts of dangerous wastes into the Greater Pottstown Area, which break down into gases and leachate continuously escaping into the air and water of children around the landfill. Children around the Pottstown Landfill have been compared to children across the nation, state, and tri county. Nationwide, cancer is the #1 disease-related death in children. All children are exposed to similar environmental pollutants, including pesticides and herbicides, cleaning chemicals, mold, second hand smoke, vehicle emissions, and even genetic factors. WHY do children who live around the Pottstown Landfill have a 92.5 % HIGHER CANCER RATE than the Nation and almost 100 % HIGHER CANCER RATE than those who live in other parts of the County and the State? Children around the Pottstown Landfill continuously breathe additive and synergistic combinations of the most potent Pottstown Landfill carcinogens (RADIATION, DIOXINS, VINYL CHLORIDE, BENZENE), all emitted into their air 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. ACE’s conclusion, It’s not surprising that childhood cancer rates have skyrocketed above the national, state, and tri county averages.
Ø Skyrocketing childhood cancer statistics demonstrate the need to:
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