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from living around
Occidental’s PVC Production
Pottstown Landfill Gas Combustion By-Products
- DIOXIN is a potent CANCER causing chemical.
- DIOXIN can impact learning ability in our children and increased susceptibility to infections in our children exposed to background levels.
- DIOXIN can impact thyroid and liver functions and cause adverse impacts on human metabolism.
- DIOXIN has the potential to cause adverse impacts on developmental and/or reproductive biology. DIOXIN has been linked with altered levels of male reproductive hormones, fewer male births, miscarriage and infant death, birth defects, low birth weight and growth retardation.
- DIOXIN has been linked with reduced glucose tolerance, and increases in diabetes.
- DIOXIN has been linked cardiovascular disease and hypertension.
- DIOXIN has been linked with respiratory cancers and soft tissue sarcoma.
- DIOXIN is linked to endometriosis and demasculization, and increased susceptibility to bacteria, viruses and immune system suppressions according to animal studies.
DEP’s decision to allow TWO SOURCES of DIOXIN
from Occidental must be REVERSED by the Governor!
Adequate research on Occidental’s DIOXIN releases into our air does not exist. It is difficult to determine how much dioxin will be produced by burning Pottstown Landfill gas containing so many chlorinated chemicals. Based on massive DIOXIN research proving its serious and numerous adverse health effects, DEP should have used the Precautionary Principle and denied permits to burn Pottstown Landifll gas at Occidental. DEP can not measure DIOXIN nor guarantee our safety from it.
ACE P.O. Box 3063 Stowe, PA 19464
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