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Letter to The Editor: Science on Our Side
Hard science keeps rolling in and piling up, air pollution kills and cripples. A World Health Organization study estimated that air pollution would cause about 8 million deaths worldwide by 2020. The American Cancer Society and Harvard Medical School offer impeccable hard science that points to ozone, particulates, carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide, and volatile organic compounds as causes. Two Greater Pottstown Area polluters emit major amounts of these into our air every day.
Greater Pottstown Area air is a public health concern which needs to be addressed and quickly. According to EPA’s TRI data, we breathe the top 10 % of the most carcinogenic and unhealthy air in the nation. Pottstown Landfill doesn’t report to TRI, so that estimate doesn’t include its most dangerous air emissions. In 1998 DEP allowed Pottstown Landfill to increase its reportable air pollution in a 5 year air permit, and now plans to increase that amount. AND we face 3 more Pottstown Landfill pollution permits. WHY?
Dr. Devra Davis , a leading scientist, stated that she hopes policymakers will understand that these kinds of decisions are fundamentally public health decisions. Sadly, DEP, the Montgomery County Health Department, and Representative Dailey refuse to recognize our poisoned air as a major factor in documented area health problems and have failed to demand reductions in air pollution to protect our families. They blame only other factors. This allows the major area air polluters to continually increase our health risks.
Look at the facts!
• Area pulmonologists, pediatricians, obstetricians, and family physicians expressed concern over increases in environmentally related illnesses. They were ignored by Ridge, Schweiker, Dailey, Gerlach, DEP, and the Montgomery County Health Department.
• Particulate pollution was found to be a factor in infant mortality by a study of 8 U.S. cities. Still, the Montgomery County Health Department refused to recognize air pollution as a factor in our elevated infant mortality.
• PA Cancer Registry statistics for children around the Pottstown Landfill are 92.5 % above the national average. Too many of our kids have cancer. The landfill emits potent carcinogens. Why are state officials even considering 3 Pottstown Landfill pollution permits to increase risks? Why weren’t these permits stopped in their tracks last September when we learned the childhood cancer rates around the landfill?
More victims from air pollution are certain, unless PREVENTION is made imperative NOW! Silent people get poisoned! Speak up!
1. Register to speak at the DEP June 24 public hearing in Pottstown concerning Pottstown Landfill air pollution permits. Call BEFORE June 10 (610) 832-6219.
2. Complete your family’s health survey. Help ACE define patterns of environmental illnesses around and downwind from the two MAJOR Greater Pottstown Area air polluters! For surveys call ACE (610) 326-6433 or
ACE Board of Directors
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Science Is On Our Side
P.O. Box 3063
Stowe, PA 19464
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