ACE Questionnaire

In an effort to make the ACE website more user-friendly, helpful and easier to navigate, we've put together this questionnaire consisting of 5 questions aimed at understanding the needs of our visitors. Your answers and comments to this questionnaire will help us improve the website. Your participation is appreciated.

1.  General:  What brought you to the ACE website and what was your initial impression? What did you find most/least appealing? What was most/least helpful? What changes would you like to see?
2.  Useability:  how functional are the menus and links, do they take you to where you need to go and does the search engine provided on the ACE pages take you to the information you need? Anything you would change?
3.  Content:  is the information provided on the website understandable and complete; very few errors in spelling and grammar and are the 'printable version' links on the pages helpful? Anything you would add or change?
4.  Extras:  refers to anything that offers a way for users to interact with the website to obtain information or submit feedback or provides current news, activities and action alerts.  Anything you would like to see added to the ACE website?  What could be done to help encourage people to join ACE?
5.  Last question:  yep this is it.  Any other information, opinions or suggestions you could give us about the ACE website?  Any complaints or criticisms? Please include your email address if you'd like a response.

P.O. Box 3063
Stowe, PA 19464

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