The Alliance For A Clean Environment |
August 11, 1999
2. The Nuclear Regulatory Commission has proposed massive deregulation of radioactive materials and waste, such as scrap metal, furniture, equipment, glass, paper, plastic, and concrete, etc. from nuclear facilities as well as soil. This could include military and Department of Energy waste. 3. Monitoring is done by the operator of the facility, whose interests are profits. Since there could be big money in dumping all this radioactive waste, there is little incentive for the operator to be on the side of public health and safety where monitoring is concerned. 4. There is enough recent research, on people who have been exposed to low-level radiation, which leads us to believe there is NO SAFE THRESHOLD DOSE of radiation. With such a threat to our society, we must exercise The Precautionary Principle. 5. Standards are to be set by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, the same agency trying to deregulate and release vast amounts of radioactive waste into our environment. Since they are the agency trying to get rid of this radioactive waste, we do not feel they will set standards that will be protective of public health and safety. 6. There are at least 56 landfills in Pennsylvania. The radioactive waste stream into these landfills will get worse and worse, exposing more and more people to this critical danger, through the gases into our air, and the leachate into our water supplies. The DEP Draft Guidance Document on Radioactivity is described by DEP as a policy to protect the environment and the public health, safety, and welfare from the possible dangers of radioactive material that is wrongly delivered to municipal and residual waste disposal facilities. This tells ACE you have the courage, and the desire to do the right thing for the public and the environment in this state. Therefore, please give the public time to understand and comment on this document. Please advise us of your position on this issue as soon as possible!
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