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What Our Community Needs
From Occidental Chemical!
Value the health of our families, friends, and neighbors!
- There are over 31 residents and thousands of children who attend 25 schools and day-care centers within just 2 miles of Occidental Chemical in Pottstown.
- Thousands of people work in the immediate vicinity of Occidental and tens of thousands more live downwind.
- The Pottstown Hospital is just ½ mile from Occidental.
1. TRANSITION to safer alternatives to PVC.
- As more and more people recognize the dangers of PVC, there will be less demand for PVC products.
- We need Occidental to transition to safer, more sustainable alternatives right here in Pottstown to keep our workers from eventually losing their jobs.
- We can not afford to have Occidental continue to poison our air with Vinyl Chloride, Dioxin, and all the other hazardous substances associated with PVC production.
- Occidental’s hazardous air emissions from PVC its production not only poisons our air, they can contaminate our water, soil, and food supply.
2. WITHDRAW from the pipeline project.
a. Don’t add enormous increases of hazardous air emissions from your facility by burning Pottstown Landfill gas as fuel.
b. Don’t add another source of dioxin to your emissions.
Residents need and deserve immediate action!
Too many residents already suffer from harmful health effects associated with exposure to vinyl chloride and dioxin. Occidental’s hazardous emissions are not welcome in their lives or in their homes.
ACE P.O. Box 3063 Stowe, PA 19464
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