
The Alliance For A Clean Environment
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To: ACE Members

From: ACE The Alliance For A Clean Environment

Contact: Donna Cuthbert (610) 326-6433

Subject: Occidental Chemical - Pottstown
Superfund Site Contamination

Press Conference
Tuesday, August 27
2:00 P.M.

Holiday Inn in Pottstown
1600 Industrial Highway
4th Floor Conference Room

EPA failed to force Occidental Chemical to protect the public from the hazardous chemicals on its site which threaten groundwater, the Schuylkill River, private wells, and possibly the air people breathe who use the Schuylkill for recreation.

ACE is urging EPA to take immediate action to require Occidental Chemical to excavate all hazardous wastes from the earthen lagoons and transport the waste to a secure offsite landfill (the only responsible option), instead of burning it or turning toxic substances into products to be used by an unsuspecting public.

• Transporting the wastes to a hazardous waste landfill can be done quickly and cost effectively, without extensive study or pilot studies.

• EPA has not shown that recycling of the PVC wastes is practical or safe. Recycled PVC may contain toxic contaminants

ACE is asking EPA to test for DIOXIN, one of the most harmful chemicals to human health.

Press Conference - 2:00 to 2:30

After that, Dr. Henry Cole, ACE TAG Advisor, will be available for questions and

The National Dioxin Campaign Director
from the Center For Health, Environment, and Justice (CHEJ)
and others will canvas neighborhoods around Occidental with “Take Action” packet


TUESDAY, AUGUST 27, 2002 2:00 P.M.


ACE, The Alliance For A Clean Environment, received funding for a scientific consultant through an EPA Superfund Technical Assistance Grant (TAG) for the Occidental Chemical Superfund Site in Pottstown. ACE did a national search to hire our TAG advisor. We selected Dr. Cole, president of Henry S. Cole & Associates.

The press conference will feature, Dr. Henry S. Cole, ACE’s Technical Advisor. Dr. Cole:

• Has extensive experience with environmental assessments and the cleanup of hazardous sites.

• Previously served as a senior scientist at EPA’s Office of Air Quality and as the Science Director of Clean Water Action and as an associate professor of environmental earth sciences at the University of Wisconsin-Parkside.

• Is a co-recipient of EPA’s Presidential Green Chemistry Challenge Award for 2002

• Provides consulting on environmental issues for a broad range of communities, government, and corporations.

For further information on Dr. Cole see the website for Henry S. Cole & Associates at:


Dr. Cole will present his first report on the Occidental Site to the public. His report will focus on several aspects of the Occidental Chemical Superfund Site but will also place the Superfund Site in a larger context that includes Occidental’s continued release of cancer-causing emissions into community air.

Important Superfund Site issues to be covered in the press conference include:

• Occidental Chemical and EPA have failed to carry out the cleanup of 4 earthen lagoons as required by EPA’s 1993 Record of Decision.

• Groundwater: The current remedial system has made little progress towards restoration of contaminated aquifer to drinking water standards as required by the Record of Decision. Complete containment of contaminants is not assured. Residential wells located near the site have not been tested.

• None of the site’s disposal areas have been tested for DIOXIN. Residuals from the combustion of chlorinated hydrocarbons have been disposed of at the site. Combustion of chlorinated hydrocarbons has the potential for dioxin at the site.

• Potential risks associated with Occidental Chemical’s Superfund Site must be considered in a broader context that includes very large current air emissions of a known human carcinogen – vinyl chloride.

P.O. Box 3063
Stowe, PA 19464

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