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PVC Transition
As more and more people gain information and recognition about the dangers of PVC to our environmental and to our health, there will be less demand for PVC products, including flooring.
- Effective political and consumer action will serve to demand the gradual phase-out of PVC in building products, such as flooring.
- There will be more and more of a demand for safer alternatives.
- Eventually this trend will render PVC production obsolete. and those making it will NOT have a sustainable employment future.
A PVC transition is likely to increase jobs overall, more highly skilled jobs in particular.
- Unions and workers who face the facts about the phase-out of PVC can help to provide more sustainable future employment for PVC workers.
- Instead of allowing its workers to become financial and physical “victims” of an unsustainable and dangerous product, we hope the union will educate its workers about PVC production.
- Joining forces with the environmental movement will strengthen the position to encourage PVC companies like Occidental to start to transition to safer alternatives NOW.
If Occidental Chemical values its employees and our community, it will spend the money necessary to transition to safer, more sustainable alternatives to PVC right here in Pottstown. In this way workers will not have to eventually lose their jobs.
ACE P.O. Box 3063 Stowe, PA 19464
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